(Sample Letter for Disputing Unauthorized Wire Transfer)
Below is a sample dispute letter that a consumer can use to notify a bank that a recent wire transfer was unauthorized. Consumers only have a certain amount of time to dispute unauthorized wire transfers, so it is important that the letter be sent out as soon as possible. Include as much relevant information and documentation as possible to support your case. As always, send this letter via certified mail so that you have proof of mailing.
Use this sample letter to help you write your dispute letter.
[Your Name]
[Your Address, City, State, Zip Code]
[Name of Bank]
[Address, City, State, Zip Code]
Re: Notice of disputed of Unauthorized Wire Transfer in Account No. [Your account number]
To Whom It May Concern:
I am writing to dispute the wire transfer of [$______] from my [checking or savings] account on [date of the transfer]. I did not authorize this transfer, but instead it was the result of [explain the problem briefly. For example, some hacked into my account, bank employee transferred it unilaterally, etc.].
I am requesting that my money be returned to me or that the bank refund me for the amount that was improperly transferred. Please note that I am holding the bank responsible for these lost funds. If they are not returned, I will take appropriate action to obtain them.
Enclosed are copies of [describe any enclosed information, like proof of the transfer or any documentation showing that it was unauthorized] supporting my position and experience. Please correct the error on my account promptly.
Litigation Hold: As legal action is now reasonably foreseeable in this matter, you are hereby given notice to preserve all electronic and hard copies of all documents, communications, and transactions regarding the above-unauthorized wire transfer.
[Your name]
Enclosures: [List the documents you are enclosing. Send copies, not the originals.]
Please note, this is not legal advice, but merely to give an example of what a letter could look like. We highly recommend that you consult with an attorney if you believe that your rights have been violated.