It’s important to understand that when you have errors on your credit report, doing what you can to protect yourself is critical. Unfortuantley, mistakes or inaccuracies on your account can have significant impacts on your life. As such, you may be tempted to work with a credit repair company to help remedy these issues and repair your credit, as the name suggests. However, it’s necessary to understand that this is not always the case. However, if you find your credit report riddled with errors, working with a San Diego County credit reporting error lawyer can give you the best chance of a favorable outcome.
What Does a Credit Repair Company Do?
When you discover errors on your credit report, you may be tempted to reach out to a credit repair company to help restore your credit to what it was before the mistake. However, it’s important to understand that there are no ways to completely “fix” your credit if there is an inaccuracy. This is because the solution is to remove the information from your account, as opposed to repairing your report.
When there is an error on your credit report and you want to have it remedied, filing a report is often the first step in this process. Credit reporting companies will do this for you. However, they will generally charge you exuberant amounts of money to file a basic dispute over the incorrect information on your account, which is something you can do with more detail yourself for free. Additionally, despite the information being incorrect, these companies are often inundated with cases, meaning they may not follow up with the reporting agency to escalate the circumstances.
What Are the Benefits of Working With an Attorney Over a Company?
When you find errors on your credit report, and have issues with the credit reporting agency removing the information from your account, it’s in your best interest to connect with an experienced attorney instead of a credit reporting agency. Working with an attorney can help ensure your case is handled with care to have the incorrect information removed from your account.
Where a credit reporting agency will send out template letters to credit reporting agencies, you’ll find that an attorney can provide a detailed letter to the credit bureau with the necessary information to help improve your chances of having the erroneous information removed. Additionally, if the dispute is ignored or denied, they can take the necessary measures to elevate the matters to fight for the best outcome for you.
Though working with a credit repair company may seem easier or cheaper, it can cost you time and money in the long run. That’s why it’s in your best interest to explore your legal options and work with an experienced attorney from Barthel Legal. Our team will examine your circumstances to determine the best course of action to have incorrect information removed from your account. Contact us today to learn how we can assist you through these matters.