Your credit report plays a significant role in your life, impacting many decisions like your ability to take out loans or secure employment. That’s why violations of the Fair Credit Reporting Act can be devastating. If you believe your rights under the FCRA have been violated, it’s imperative to understand what you can do to recover compensation. The following blog explores what you should know about these violations and why it’s in your best interest to connect with a San Diego consumer lawyer who can help you through these matters to fight for the justice you deserve.
What Is the FCRA?
The Fair Credit Reporting Act is a section of the Consumer Credit Protection Act, which serves to protect the information obtained by credit reporting agencies. This regulates who can access consumer information, how creditors send information to reporting agencies, and requires consumers to be informed if negative information on their credit report impacts a decision.
What Are Common FCRA Violations?
Familiarizing yourself with the most common violation of the FCRA is critical, as it helps ensure you can recover the compensation you deserve for any damages you sustained because of the violations.
Typically, violations are divided into two categories – willful and negligent noncompliance. Essentially, the difference lies in the intent of the company. If they knowingly violate the FCRA, it is willful noncompliance. However, if they do so inadvertently, it is negligent non-compliance. It’s important to understand that even if they do not mean to violate the law, they can still be held liable. Violations include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Including incorrect and outdated information
- Mixing your credit report information with another person
- Combining the credit files of two people
- Failing to properly dispute your reports
- Giving your information to unauthorized entities
- Pulling credit reports for unauthorized purposes
- failing to inform you of what negative information impacted a decision
Who Can Face Liability If My Rights Are Violated?
When you find that your rights have been violated, it can be challenging to know how to proceed. Generally, the first step you should take is to document the violation. This is important, as it can help serve as proof you were wronged.
Next, you should connect with an attorney. They can examine the circumstances of your case to help determine the best course of action for your circumstances. For example, if you are denied a job because of a background check, your attorney may be able to prove that your prospective employer violated your rights by pulling information they had no legal right to view.
As you can imagine, this is an incredibly challenging process. That’s why our dedicated team is ready to assist you. We believe that no one should have to suffer due to violations by another party. If you were wronged, connect with us today to learn how we can fight for justice.