When you check your credit report, everything may seem fine on the surface. However, as you read further down, you may discover inaccuracies in your statement. Though these may not seem like a big deal, they can cause serious issues when applying for a loan or housing. As such, understanding what credit reporting mistakes you must be on the lookout for when checking your credit report is essential. Read on to discover how a San Diego County credit reporting error lawyer can assist you if you uncover an error on your report.
What Credit Reporting Errors are Most Common?
Credit reporting errors are incredibly common, which is unfortunate considering how significant credit reports are in the lives of consumers.
One of the most common mistakes consumers will see on their credit reports is the inclusion of accounts that should not be there. In most instances, this will be an account that should be closed that is listed as open. However, if it’s an account you never opened, this could be more indicative of a severe issue, like identity theft.
Another issue that can appear on your credit report is incorrect personal information. If you discover that your name is misspelled, there is an incorrect or old address, inaccurate date of birth, or your social security number is incorrect, this can impact your ability to apply for loans, as you will likely be denied if the information on your accounts does not match.
What Should I Do if I Notice an Inaccuracy on My Credit Report?
If you find an inaccuracy in your credit report, you should dispute the information on your account. You should first know that you can’t argue the information with the creditor but with the agency itself.
To dispute the error, you’ll need to mail a letter of dispute to the reporting agency. Be sure to include your contact information and a report confirmation number. The most important thing to do is clearly outline each mistake and provide information and proof as to why it’s incorrect. If you include documents to prove the error, keep the original papers and only include copies. You should also request that the inaccurate information be remedied or removed. Be sure to keep copies of the dispute for your own personal records.
If you are mailing your report, you should consider sending it through certified mail to ensure that your letter was delivered, as you can request a return receipt.
Whether the credit reporting agency refuses to remedy the error or you incurred damages as a result of the bureau’s mistake, ensuring you enlist the assistance of an experienced credit reporting error lawyer is crucial. When you need help, the Law Office of Barthel Legal is ready to assist you. Contact us today to learn how we will fight for you.