thief stealing information from computer

When you use online sites, whether to make doctor’s appointments or to shop, the company running the website is responsible for implementing security measures to protect your information. Despite this, you may find that your information can be compromised during data breaches. As a result, you may find that you can quickly become a victim of identity theft. If this represents your circumstances, you’ll want to keep reading. The following blog explores what you should know about these matters and why it’s critical to contact a San Diego County identity theft lawyer.

What Are Data Breaches?

Data breaches occur when the information you have securely stored via an organization or company is compromised and accessed by someone who does not have the consent to view this data. There are different kinds of data breaches that can occur, but in many instances, the sensitive information obtained will be used for negative purposes.

In many instances, you’ll find that this information is accessed by hackers with the intention of accessing and using the personal details of others for nefarious purposes. For example, you may find that if you have information stored on a government website, someone who breaches the security measures can access your full name, date of birth, and even your social security number. They may use this information themselves or they may take your information, and the data of other consumers who have used the site, to sell on the dark web for other identity thieves to use.

What Should I Do if I’m Involved in a Breach?

When you discover that your information was compromised, it’s important to understand how to proceed. Generally, the first thing you should do is change all of your passwords and information. Additionally, you should contact the credit reporting agencies to place a fraud alert or credit freeze on your account. A fraud alert requires the creditor to contact you to confirm your identity before opening accounts in your name, while a freeze completely locks the account so a creditor cannot even view your account.

Additionally, you should contact your financial institutions to report the theft. They will likely require a notice from the company that was breached informing you that your information was involved, especially if you are trying to dispute fraudulent charges to your bank account or credit cards.

Finally, you must connect with an experienced attorney. Many are unaware they may be entitled to compensation for the damages they’ve endured because of the breach. This is because it’s the legal responsibility of the impacted company to ensure your information is secured.

At Barthel Legal, we understand how nerve-wracking it can be to learn that your information could be in the hands of criminals. As such, we are dedicated to helping you mitigate damages, fight for compensation, and recover your identity. Connect with our team today to learn how we can fight for you.