Discovering that your spouse may not be who you think they are can be devastating. For many, this revelation can come if you learn that your spouse has used your information for their own personal gain. If you have reason to believe that your spouse stole your identity, understanding what you must do to protect yourself and your finances is critical. The following blog explores the steps you must take to navigate these complex matters and why connecting with a San Diego County domestic identity theft lawyer is critical to pursuing justice.
How Can a Spouse Gain Access to My Information?
When you and your spouse start a life together, you’ll likely share important personal information, like passwords to accounts or even your social security number. For many, this isn’t an outlandish request, as you may need to file paperwork for your spouse or pay a bill using their account. However, when your spouse isn’t who you thought they were, they may use your information to commit identity theft. This includes opening accounts in your name, maxing out credit cards in your name, or stealing your social security number. Unfortunately, this can lead to your credit score plummeting, meaning you can be denied loans, apartments, and even some jobs.
Common examples of ways in which your spouse can access your personal information include:
- Bills sent to your address
- Easy access to your wallet
- Using a shared safe housing documents like your social security number
- Taking your credit or debit card from your wallet
- Having access to your personal devices
- Having access to your accounts
It’s important to understand that in some cases, domestic identity theft can be a form of domestic violence, as it falls under economic and financial abuse. Essentially, this occurs when one partner in a relationship uses the finances of another for their own personal gain despite knowing the impact it can and will have on their partner.
What Should I Do if I Think My Spouse Stole My Identity?
If you have reason to believe your spouse stole your identity, it’s imperative to take the necessary steps to mitigate damage to your credit score. This includes freezing your accounts, placing fraud alerts on your credit reports, and filing a police report to document the theft.
Though it may be upsetting, it’s in your best interest to take legal action against your spouse. Your identity and finances are incredibly important, so protecting yourself in the long run is more important than protecting your spouse if they are the perpetrator.
At Barthel Legal, we understand what a tough predicament this can be, which is why we are here to handle your case with compassion. Our team will work with you to help you reclaim your identity. Connect with us today to learn how our dedicated team will fight for you.